KOERI-Belbaşı Nuclear Tests Monitoring Center operates within the framework of Law No. 4462 on the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and the law numbered 5031 which includes the approval of the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the United States of America on the closure of the Belbaşı facility and the activation of a new seismic research station.

In this context, the center is responsible to operate the Belbaşı-Keskin seismic array stations, to send the signals collected, per the norms determined by the CTBTO, simultaneously to the International Data Center within the CTBTO and the USA Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), to participate in the technical meetings of the CTBTO, and carrying out strategic, technical and scientific studies.

The center also monitors the nuclear tests carried out in the world in near real-time and forwards the event analysis and evaluation reports to the Directorate General of International Security Affairs of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey and the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna.

To represent our country and Institute Belbasi personnel regularly participate in the technical and scientific meetings of the CTBTO. In addition, international support is given to CTBTO's work in the context of the CTBTO - Testing, Provisional Operation, and Performance Assessment Task Leadership which is currently carried out by the Belbasi Center Directorate.

Law No. 4462: https://www.tbmm.gov.tr/kanunlar/k4462.html
Law No. 5031: https://www.tbmm.gov.tr/kanunlar/k5031.html